The Perfect Combination

Mats Gustafsson
27 mars 2019

The Perfect Combination and Hot Topics

Many of our partners that are doing marketing activities together with us have the goal to both generate leads and incresase awareness at the same time. From our experiences the best way of doing that is to combine events with content marketing.

For events, we get the best evaluations when our partners present some learning content and go through new possibilities using their services and products. And after the presentation having a customer presenting their case as a proof of your message.

We get many questions about what language is best for content and what is working. We suggest the following:

  • Swedish and English is working fine for our members.
  • Important that the content is relevant for the Swedish audience.
  • If you use International customers as cases secure that the brand is well known by our members (the Swedish market).

To make sure you reach your goal of both generate leads and increase awarness I suggest you to combine doing events with us and market your content that requires download – The Perfect Combination!

Hot topics and type of content

Below I have listed types of content and topics that we believe works well and are popular among our members for 2019. I hope the information could be of any value for you.

Type of content:

  • Surveys. International and local aspect
  • Trend reports
  • Educating White papers
  • Customer cases
  • Forrester and Gartner reports

Hot topics among Wednesday Relations members:

  • Marketing Automation
  • Customer Experience and Customer Journey Mapping
  • Customer Loyalty – New trends (is always working)
  • Personalization
  • E-commerce
  • Sales enablement and new sales tools
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Social Media Security
  • AI for Marketing
  • MarTech
  • Agile Marketing
  • Voice Search
  • Datadriven Marketing 

Dowloading center - Reports & White Papers

Event calender – all our events

Products - Check out our event and content packages



”We used Wednesday Relations Content Package to market an report from Adobe. We got over 100 downloads within less than a week. The quality of the contacts from Wednesday Relations were the best we ever experienced from any player in the Swedish Market”
Imran Afzal, Marketing Manager Nordics – Adobe Marketing Cloud


“We used the Content Marketing Package to promote our “ROI of Digital Engagement” White Paper to the Wednesday Relations community. In the first two weeks we received 87 new leads, which is a fantastic result.”
James Pavey, LivePerson

Author: Mats Gustafsson, 
Mats founded Wednesday Relations in 2002 and has solid experience in Marketing, Sales, Digital Business and CRM. Mats has worked in leading positions in marketing and sales both in Sweden and internationally. Together with Wednesday Relations, Mats has developed a large number of conferences and seminars within the above topics and is also a popular and experienced moderator.


Mats Gustafsson

(+46)8 - 642 21 90


Camilla Cramner

crm & loyalty expert, loyalty factory

"Att utbilda och föreläsa hos Wednesday Relations är oerhört värdefullt för mig. De har en stor och bra medlemsbas och är duktiga på att nå rätt målgrupp vilket gör att eventen alltid har spännande deltagare från namnkunniga företag. Wednesday Relations har skapat en oerhört stark community inom CRM, CX och lojalitet och det är ett sant nöje att få vara del av deras utbildningsplattform och community."

Mariola Knapik

Head of Carrier Operations and A2P Messaging, Tele2 AB

"Certified Social Media Manager spände hela vägen från strategi till genomförande och från målgruppsanalyser till kanalval. Utbildningen gav mig många bra tips hur man ska arbeta med tekniken och digitala verktyg. Det väckte mitt intresse att fortsätta vidareutveckla mig inom området."

Maria Green

crm-ansvarig, preem

”Certified CRM & Loyalty Manager är en heltäckande utbildning inom CRM med ett trevligt upplägg och grymma föreläsare. På kort tid kom jag till insikter som annars skulle tagit mig åratal”

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